
Holland Performing Arts Center

Honoring Omaha’s Business Past and Present.

每年, 推荐几个体彩外围app表彰奥马哈地区的商业杰出人士,因为他们留下了令人难以置信的遗产,并对他们的业务做出了承诺, industry and community. 获奖者将在支持下一代奥马哈专业人士的辉煌晚会上入选奥马哈商业名人堂.

发起于1993年,作为推荐几个体彩外围app百年纪念的一部分, 奥马哈商业名人堂活动包括开胃菜晚餐和鸡尾酒时间, induction ceremony and dessert reception. Achievements are then showcased in a permanent exhibit at The Durham Museum.


See the full list of past Omaha Business Hall of Fame inductees



Holland Performing Arts Center | 1200 Douglas St.

6 p.m. | Hors d’oeuvres Dinner & 鸡尾酒小时
7:30 p.m. | Induction Ceremony
9 p.m. |甜品接待



兰斯米. 弗里茨


兰斯米. 弗里茨 served as Union Pacific chairman, 总统, and chief executive officer from 2015 until 2023, when he retired from those roles after 23 years of service with the railroad. He currently serves as a special advisor to the company.

Lance于2000年7月开始他的Union Pacific职业生涯,担任公司营销和销售部门的副总裁兼能源总经理. Throughout his Union Pacific career, 他还曾在运营和劳动关系部门担任行政职务, and as 总统 and chief operating officer of Union Pacific.

除了目前在Union Pacific担任的职务外,Lance还加入了Fiserv, Inc .的董事会. as of mid-February this year.

他毕业于巴克内尔大学,并获得了西北大学凯洛格管理学院的管理学硕士学位. He is a member of the board of directors for Nebraska Medicine, Omaha Zoological Society, the Kiewit Luminarium, Parker-Hannifin Corporation, and The Business Council.

兰斯和他妻子, 朱莉, 有两个孩子,并致力于帮助奥马哈社区处于危险中的妇女和儿童.

米奇,C.L., & 吉姆·兰登

米奇,C.L., & 吉姆·兰登

克拉伦斯•L. 小米奇·兰登. 1964年成立安全国家银行,致力于提供更高水平的服务. He remained active in the bank until his passing at age 87 in 2011. 米奇和他的妻子玛丽对他们的社区充满了爱,并承诺要回馈社会.

克拉伦斯•L. “C.L.兰登,第三章.他于1980年加入花旗,曾担任总裁和现任首席执行官等职位. 他还担任Methodist Hospital和Nebraska Methodist Health System的董事会成员. He is a past Governor of the Aksarben Foundation, 他和他的妻子, 帕蒂, are co-chairs of the Heart Ministry Center Holy Smokes fundraiser.

詹姆斯E. 老吉姆·兰登., acts as executive chairman, 他于1987年加入世行,职业生涯的大部分时间都是担任总裁,后来担任首席执行官. Jim upholds the Landen family’s tradition of involvement with Salvation Army, on the national and Omaha advisory boards. He is also a board member of Clarkson Regional Health Service. Jim and his wife, Diny were named United Way Citizens of the Year in 2021.




Sid Meridith

Sid Meridith

Sid Meridith来自布恩,他的父母在那里开了一家小杂货店. 在很小的时候,他就被教导如何在一个小的商业环境中满足客户.  After attending a 1 room schoolhouse, to high school in St Edward, Sid enrolled in Nebraska Wesleyan and pursued a degree in Business.  毕业后,席德加入了海军,在越南服役了7年.  After his military service, 他带着企业家的心态在奥马哈定居下来,创办了Security Equipment Inc ..(SEi). 1969年10月. 

SEi has offices in Lincoln, 得梅因, 爱荷华市, 在堪萨斯城拥有220多名员工和一支安装/服务车队,为超过18人提供服务,000 customers in 41 states.

Sid, 和他的妻子萨拉, work with many community organizations like: American Legion, Nebraska Community Foundation, Autism Action Partnership, 男孩&Girls Clubs, Nebraska Wesleyan, Lifetime 成员 in Ducks Unlimited & 野鸡永远.





Connie Ryan获得了内布拉斯加州大学医学院的医学技术学位 Center and joined the family business, Streck, Inc., in 1982. She became 总统 in 1992 and 2013年CEO. 

Since that time, the company has experienced consistent, steady growth through acquisitions and the introduction of 45 new products. Revenue for fiscal 2023 was over $225 几百万. Streck was recently sold to Madison Industries under Connie’s guidance. 


Connie从2015年到2020年担任Habitat Omaha董事会成员,从2021年到2022年担任Habitat Omaha咨询委员会成员. In 2023, Sue Thaden, 康妮与人共同创立了妇女建设:贝尔韦德雷-米勒公园推荐个买球的app官网,为购置房屋筹集资金, critical home repair and neighborhood clean-up in the Belvedere Point, Miller Park and Minne Lusa neighborhoods.


She currently serves on the Luminarium Board, 奥马哈交响乐委员会, iEXCEL Advisory Board, and the Quality Committee at UNMC. She is a member of YPO Gold and the Chief Executives Organization.



琼H. Squires

琼H. Squires

琼H. Squires is President of Omaha Performing Arts (O-pa). She started the organization over 20 years ago, and now O-pa is the largest arts organization in Nebraska, overseeing the Orpheum Theater, Holland Performing Arts Center, Steelhouse奥马哈, and the Tenaska Center for Arts Engagement (opening early 2026). 


She is a recipient of the Governor’s Arts Award, was named to the Ak-Sar-Ben Court of Honor for her leadership role in the arts, and was named one of Musical America’s 30 “Movers and Shapers.“Joan获得了百老汇联盟颁发的主持人管理杰出成就奖, 被《推荐几个体彩外围app》评为“年度米德兰德人”,并被《推荐个买球的app官网》评为“杰出女性”. 


Reservations are due by Tuesday, August 13, 2024. No refunds for cancellations will be granted after this date.

本次活动的收益将帮助支持推荐几个体彩外围app基金会的努力 growth of the region’s strong, diverse economy; help attract and retain young professionals and maintain the permanent Omaha Business Hall of Fame exhibit at the Durham Museum.


推荐几个体彩外围app(Greater Omaha Chamber)每年都会邀请那些成就卓越且具有历史意义的公民和商业领袖. There is no set number of inductees that will be selected in any year.
  • 通过永久的奥马哈商业名人堂,保留个人商业成就在大奥马哈历史中的作用.
  • 表彰对大奥马哈地区商业历史做出重大贡献的个人, 要么通过持续的卓越成就,要么通过特定的重要成就.
  • 促进公众认识到商业和自由企业对发展的重要性, future growth and overall quality of life in Greater Omaha.
  • Contribute to the overall business 图像 of Greater Omaha.
  • 对自由企业制度做出突出贡献的专业人士和大小企业人士将被考虑在内. 这个人可能是公司的创始人,也可能是对公司发展有重大贡献的人,也可能是活跃的人, 退休或去世. 公民和/或慈善活动是相关的,但不是选择的主要因素.
  • 志愿者选拔委员会寻求在其社区内表现出卓越商业领导力的代表种族多样性的个人.
  • 获奖者目前可能在他们取得重大成功的职位上,也可能不在他们被授予荣誉的职位上.
  • 被提名者在为社区做出贡献期间必须居住在大奥马哈都会区,但目前不需要居住在那里.
  • There is no set number of inductees that will be selected in any year.


business hall of fame inductees


本次活动的举办得益于推荐几个体彩外围app的赞助商的慷慨捐助. We appreciate their support.




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